We are proud of our dedication to the client and comprehensive approach, which have made us 100% successful in preparing and implementing projects.
We find opportunities for co-financing your investments, analyze the acceptability of individual investments for tenders, evaluate and quantify options, analyze risks, participate in conceptualizing project ideas, communicate with potential project partners, and prepare all mandatory and accompanying project documentation for project applications.
When implementing projects, whether they are co-financed from EU funds or other sources, we provide monitoring and management services for various activities and stakeholders, from team coordination, contractors and subcontractors of all activities, implementing and control bodies and all stakeholders in procurement procedures to financial and accounting monitoring and cash-flow planning, risk management and support in monitoring the sustainability of project results. Experts with experience in preparing project applications with capital investments, projects with an energy component, and research projects participate in project preparation and implementation.
The importance of professional support in the preparation and implementation of EU projects
The preparation and implementation of EU projects is a complex process that lasts several years, and each tender has specific conditions and requirements that must be met to realize the right to support ultimately and to use the requested support in the maximum amount. Whether it is a research and development project or a project with capital investments, for every tender, it is crucial to know the legislative framework that regulates state and other grants; therefore, professional support is essential in preparing and implementing EU projects.
Numerous reports, checks, and verifications cover the path from exercising the right to support to receiving funds. Implementing procurement procedures, managing contract changes, and accounting monitoring are only some of the processes for which strict rules of conduct have been set. Therefore, professional and experienced support in project management, in addition to freeing our clients from worries about administration, eliminates the risks of unwanted financial corrections.
Support for investors
We are the market leader in providing support to companies from various industries in financing projects through EU grants, tax subsidies, and other forms of financing. Our support includes monitoring tenders and finding the right opportunities for co-financing, supporting the process of selecting tenders for granting grants and preparing all mandatory and accompanying documentation.
Tender monitoring
- continuous monitoring of all relevant sources of support (domestic and international)
- detailed analysis of all relevant tenders and informing clients about new and changes in open tenders
- knowledge and monitoring all regulations, programs, and strategic documents related to specific tenders.
Tender selection
- connecting client investments with available funding sources
- conceptualization of the project idea and analysis of financing options
- ensuring optimal utilization of grants in the long term.
Creation of documentation
- preparation of all mandatory and accompanying documentation and ensuring that all criteria defined in the tender documentation are met
- communication with potential project partners, designers, and all stakeholders involved in the project
- communication with competent authorities
- continuous support until the conclusion of the Grant Agreement.
Implementation of investment projects
Our team of project implementation experts ensures successful project implementation by providing full support to clients throughout the project duration and during the sustainability period of the project results. Our support includes project management, management of contract changes, communication and reporting to control bodies, and management of procurement procedures.
Steps in the implementation of investment projects
Project management
- creation of activity plan and procurement plan
- risk and cash flow management.
Support contract management
- changes in activities, in the budget, or the project team
- internal and external circumstances, and especially force majeure, are some of the reasons that can affect the realization of the project
- with careful and timely changes, the project is adapted to new circumstances, and its successful realization is ensured.
- an essential and mandatory part of every project reports to control bodies
- regular reports during implementation on which the disbursement of funds depends + ad hoc reports to control bodies + reports after implementation that monitor the sustainability of project results.
Communication – the basis of successful cooperation
- communication between all stakeholders in the project (user, partners, suppliers, etc.)
- communication with the control bodies that monitor the implementation of the project and the bodies in charge of auditing is also essential.
Management of procurement procedures
- preparation of procurement documentation for those subject to or not subject to the Public Procurement Act
- evaluation of bids, selection, and contracting
- final delivery of procurement items by rules and regulations
- ensuring compliance with procurement rules and regulations.
Find out everything about our service for preparing and implementing projects for the public sector!
S obzirom da nam danas završava ugovor za programiranje novog programa za razdoblje 2021.-2027. ovim putem vam želim zahvaliti na pomoći i podršci koju ste nam pružili u ovih zadnjih godinu dana, a i više ako računamo izradu teritorijalne analize. Vjerujem da smo našim zajedničkim radom i trudom uspjeli kreirati kvalitetan dokument koji je podloga za još bolji program i projekte u novom razdoblju.
Apsolon nas prati na već tri projekta i angažirali smo ga opet na novom projektu koji je sada u tijeku. Uvijek mu se iznova vraćamo zbog stručnosti kod pristupa različim vrstama projekata, lakoj i ljubaznoj komunikaciji, zbog oslonca koji pružaju u smislu da vode brigu oko rokova te sam time ja rasterećena tog velikog pritiska. Njihova izvrsnost je dokazana našom 100 % – tnom prolaznošću na projektima koje smo realizirali, a posebno naglašavam da je jedan od projekata proglašen najbolje provedenim u RH, a drugi je bio također među nekoliko najbolje odrađenih projekata. Zasluga je to Apsolon tima, njihovog susretljivog i uvijek idejno bogatog osoblja koje u svakom izazovu nađe put do pozitivnog rješenja. Inovativni i fleksibilni, strpljivi i ljubazni, stručni i proaktivni, hvala im na tome!
Suradnja s Apsolonom bila je izrazito uspješna, ponovno bismo ih anagažirali zbog kompetencija, iskustva, brzine usluge i načina pružanja usluge. Dodatna vrijednost bile nam su informacije o natječajima, edukacije o precedurama, propisima, dokumentaciji vezano uz korištenje bespovratnih sredstava koje smo dobili od Apsolona
Ukupan dojam je izvrstan. Rad s vašim timom je bio izrazito profesionalan, organiziran, bio nam je na raspolaganju u svakom trenu i imao odgovor na sve naše upite. Preporučili bismo vas za savjetnike.
Smatramo da je suradnja kroz cijeli projekt bila vrlo kvalitetna, prvenstveno jasnoća i jednostavnost komunikacije te stručnost vođenja procesa izrade dokumenta.
– Master plan gospodarskog razvoja Krapinsko-zagorske županije za 2021.-2027.
Apsolon se dokazao kao pouzdan partner koji će razjasniti stručna pitanja, pripremiti analize i moguća rješenja, odraditi s voljom i na vrijeme što smo dogovorili, a pri tome je suradnja vrlo ugodna i kooperativna. Podijelili su s nama znanje i iskustvo na EU projektima i javnoj nabavi te osigurali uvijek smiren i racionalan pristup svakom izazovu.
Savjetnici iz Apsolona su obradili ukupnu analizu gradske problematike, ali i dali vrlo moderna rješenja za određene izazove te se uspješno uključili u našu sadašnju situaciju i smjerove našeg razvoja. Temeljem više sastanaka i online konzultacija na kojima sam sudjelovao, moj je dojam da se vaši kolege u potpunosti poistovjetili sa životom i radom u Rijeci, ali i sa nekim potpuno novim temama – pandemijom, projektom Europske prijestolnice kulture nakon 2020. godine te digitalizacijom ili razvojem zelene infrastrukture. To je više nego profesionalno odrađen posao!
With Apsolon we have found a stable and reliable partner with local expertise and knowledge to help us achieve efficient outcomes.
Suradnja s Apsolonom je vrlo ugodna, partnerska suradnja, u kojoj stručni konzultantski tim uvijek ima spremno rješenje koje će zadovoljiti i želje klijenta i okvire projekta. Klijentu se maksimalno posvećuju i uvijek su na raspolaganju. Otvoreni smo za buduće suradnje s Apsolonom jer se radi o vrlo stručnom timu širokih kompetencija.
Preporučujemo Apsolon zbog ugodne suradnje i komunikacije od strane Apsolonovih djelatnika koji su uvijek dostupni za sva pitanja. Vrlo su odgovorni i u kratkom vremenu rješavaju sve upite, pripremaju potrebnu dokumentaciju i uvijek su na raspolaganju. Preporučamo Apsolon za svaki budući projekt.
Ponovno bismo angažirali Apsolon iz razloga što je suradnja bila tečna, informacije su kolale vrlo tečno i točno, uz uvijek ugodnu komunikaciju kako s Marinelom isto tako i s Mislavom. Sve što smo vidjeli kod apsolona je apsolutno bila visoka razina na koju do sada nismo naišli, tako da nemam posebnih preporuka za poboljšanje procesa, ostanite stručni i ažurni kakvi jeste. Dojam je izvrstan, čak toliko da mi je malo žao što smo završili. Sve preporuke svima za Apsolon, a nadamo se i daljnjoj suradnji.
Ovom prilikom želimo se zahvaliti na profesionalnoj suradnji i izvrsnim ostvarenim rezultatima cijelom Apsolon timu, s kojima smo uspješno surađivali tijekom provedbe projekta. Bilo je zadovoljstvo surađivati s vama!
Odlična i konstruktivna suradnja s voditeljima projekta od strane Apsolona koji su u svakom trenutku bili na raspolaganju. Dodana vrijednost je prijenos znanja, informacija, stručnih mišljenja i kreativnosti također od strane voditelja projekta Apsolona. Pohvala na strpljenju i razumijevanju. Svakako preporuka Apsolona za savjetnika.
Ukupni dojam je jako pozitivan. Apsolonov tim, skupa s voditeljicom, je odradio sve ono što je bilo očekivano u okvirima vođenja projekta. Tako da mi, kao korisnik, nismo trebali gubiti nepotrebno vrijeme na formalne stvari već se koncentrirati na naše stručno područje u realiziaciji tehničkog dijela projekta. Ponovno bismo angažirali Apsolon zbog profesionalnosti, ekpertize i brzine reakcije.
Frequently asked questions
Which project documentation must be submitted with the project application?
Depending on the type and type of tender, each tender defines specific documentation that must be submitted with the project application. Often, in addition to the mandatory documentation, due to the complexity and competitiveness of the tender, it will be necessary to prepare accompanying documentation that can significantly increase the chances of realizing the right to support. The submitted documentation refers to proving innovation if it is a research project. Suppose it is a capital investment when submitting the project application. In that case, the entrepreneur will be required to have a high level of preparedness for the project documentation, which includes the main projects and all necessary permits.
Can the costs of employee salaries be financed from EU funds?
Specific conditions for the acceptance of costs are announced for each tender. Employee salary costs can be co-financed based on the percentage of working time that employees will spend implementing project activities related to research and development projects.
How is innovation defined?
Innovation is implementing a new or significantly improved product, service, process, marketing, or organizational method within an existing business process, work organization, or contractual relationship. The minimum requirement for innovation is that the product or business process has one or more characteristics significantly different from the characteristics of the product or business process that the company previously offered or used. The Oslo and Frascati manuals explain the levels of innovation; therefore, in the context of the interpretation of innovation, it is crucial to choose a consultant with experience and knowledge of the primary literature on innovation projects.
When are grants paid out?
The decision on financing and the signing of the grant agreement define the total value of the project, the total eligible costs, and the amount of the grant. This amount of grant funds represents the maximum support that can be realized through the project. However, this does not mean that it will be paid to the account of the beneficiary of the grant funds. Funds are disbursed in most projects every quarter upon verification of actual incurred costs. The user is obliged to submit a request for reimbursement of funds to the control body every three months, in which he reports on the progress of the implementation and on the costs incurred up to that period for the project activities. The control body verifies the cost by checking compliance with the project, the procurement process, payment dynamics, the correctness of the invoice, etc. Only after successful verification is the reimbursement of funds for incurred costs and payment to the account approved.
Additionally, upon signing the Grant Agreement, the beneficiary has the right to request an advance payment if its provisions allow it. Most often, it is up to 40% of the grant amount, with the delivery of a defined insurance means.
What is a financial correction?
Financial correction is an instrument by which, after the competent authority has determined an irregularity committed by the beneficiary and the beneficiary’s partner, the costs provided for in the grant agreement that are affected by the established irregularity are declared unacceptable, which may result in the return of the corresponding part of the grant. In the process of cost verification, the control body details the correctness of the incurred cost using different methods (ex-post procurement checks, on-site checks, checks of claims for reimbursement, etc.). Suppose the control body notices an irregularity in any of these methods. In that case, the resulting damage is assessed according to the European budget, and a financial correction is made. The rules on financial corrections determine the rates for each irregularity. They are most often between 5% and 25%. However, corrections in the amount of 100% of the cost are also possible, e.g., for the absence of mandatory publication of the procurement procedure, the conclusion of a procurement contract with a legal entity with which the user has a conflict of interest, or for situations in which it has been determined subsidy fraud.