
Smart city strategies and digital transformation in the management of public bodies

We provide professional support to public bodies in developing innovative city strategies and digital transformation, helping them strategically plan, select, and implement creative solutions. Our service includes consulting for optimizing business processes and public services, ensuring modernization, and increasing management efficiency.

Smart cities are future cities that use advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and big data to create more efficient, sustainable, and pleasant living environments. Defined by the European Commission as places where digital technologies improve networks and services for residents and businesses, smart cities strive to integrate innovation into everyday life. Through sustainable initiatives, such as using renewable energy sources and intelligent waste management and promoting economic growth through digital hubs and incubators, smart cities set standards for the quality of urban living. In addition, they focus on resilience and transparency in governance and improve public services by using technology for more informed decision-making, making cities smarter, greener, and more open to all.

Why create a Smart city strategy

The Smart City strategy is a foundation for creating future cities where technology and innovation are crucial in improving citizens’ quality of life and promoting a sustainable urban environment. Through the strategic use of information and communication technologies, cities become more efficient, safer, and more accessible, enabling innovative management of resources and services. Smart city strategies open the door to financial support from EU funds for creative projects and allow city authorities to make decisions thanks to analyzing large amounts of data. Our approach to developing Smart City strategies is based on adapting technological solutions to the specific needs of a particular environment, ensuring that each project not only improves the lives of citizens but also attracts new future citizens, entrepreneurs, and visitors.

The process of creating a Smart city strategy

The process of creating a Smart City strategy includes key steps that lead cities towards the digital future, improving citizens’ quality of life and encouraging sustainable development. This approach ensures that the smart city strategy is comprehensive, adapted to each city’s specific needs and capabilities, and ready for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

Analysis of the current situation

Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we explore current digital tools, intelligent solutions, and the broader socio-economic context of the city, including the perspectives of key stakeholders and the public.

Defining needs and potentials

Based on the analysis, we develop a strategic framework that includes a vision for the development of a smart city, as well as priorities and goals that support that vision. We focus on concrete solutions that address the identified challenges.

Communication with stakeholders

We actively involve public and private sector representatives through workshops and digital tools to understand their challenges and proposals, thus ensuring that the strategy reflects the real needs and ambitions of the community.

Creation of a strategic document

We integrate all collected information and analysis into a clear, precise, realistic strategic document. This document includes a text description of the strategy and a numerical action plan with projects, deadlines, required financing, and sources of funds.

Our approach includes comprehensive support for the digital transformation of business and public services, enabling institutions to adapt to a dynamic digital environment. Through cooperation and expert leadership, we ensure that the public sector can realize its visions, improve operational efficiency, and provide high-quality services to citizens.

Digital transformation in the management of public bodies

Digital transformation in public body management refers to a process that combines technology, people, and business processes to improve user experience and efficiency. This means adapting the organizational culture, adopting an agile way of thinking, being open to new business models, and integrating all systems. This process is crucial for public bodies because it improves the daily lives of citizens and businesses, making access to services and information faster and simpler for everyone.

What is the purpose of digital transformation of public bodies, and why is it important

The digital transformation of public bodies is essential for modernizing services and processes, enabling faster, more efficient, and more transparent interaction between public institutions, citizens, and international bodies. This process is not only a response to global trends in the development of digital technologies but also the basis for creating a better society in accordance with the National Development Strategy until 2030. Digitization enables Croatia to keep pace with international standards and improve public administration, making it more accessible and useful for all citizens.

The process of digital transformation

The digital transformation service process can be divided into two key modules that are closely related and together form a comprehensive approach to the modernization and digitization of public administration:

Module A – preparation for digital transformation

  • process analysis – detailed investigation of existing operational processes to identify opportunities for improvements and digitization
  • analysis of IT solutions – an overview of currently used information technologies and systems to evaluate their effectiveness and potential for upgrading
  • interviews and focus groups – conversations with employees and analysis of their digital readiness to identify training needs and resistance to change
  • creation of a digital transformation strategy – development of a detailed plan that includes guidelines for the implementation of digital transformation, including recommendations for the necessary technological solutions
  • framework for digital transformation – defining tools and technologies needed for transformation, as well as those that are not necessary, with clear explanations and recommendations
  • presentation of the document – the digital transformation strategy to all key stakeholders.

Module B – implementation of digital transformation

  • elaboration of the implementation plan – a detailed action plan needed to implement the digital transformation strategy
  • reorganization and digitization – adaptation of the organizational structure and processes to new digital solutions
  • implementation support – continuous support during the process of introducing new technologies and practices
  • creation of a series of supporting documents – development of additional materials needed to support the transformation
  • support in public procurement tendering – assistance in the preparation and implementation of procurement procedures for new technologies and services
  • review of offers – analysis, and evaluation of received offers from suppliers of technological solutions
  • cooperation with external experts – coordination with external consultants and service providers in charge of technical implementation
  • employee education – organizing training and workshops for employees to ensure their readiness and adaptation to new systems.


S obzirom da nam danas završava ugovor za programiranje novog programa za razdoblje 2021.-2027. ovim putem vam želim zahvaliti na pomoći i podršci koju ste nam pružili u ovih zadnjih godinu dana, a i više ako računamo izradu teritorijalne analize. Vjerujem da smo našim zajedničkim radom i trudom uspjeli kreirati kvalitetan dokument koji je podloga za još bolji program i projekte u novom razdoblju.

Ministarstvo regionalnog razvoja i fondova EU

Apsolon nas prati na već tri projekta i angažirali smo ga opet na novom projektu koji je sada u tijeku. Uvijek mu se iznova vraćamo zbog stručnosti kod pristupa različim vrstama projekata, lakoj i ljubaznoj komunikaciji, zbog oslonca koji pružaju u smislu da vode brigu oko rokova te sam time ja rasterećena tog velikog pritiska. Njihova izvrsnost je dokazana našom 100 % – tnom prolaznošću na projektima koje smo realizirali, a posebno naglašavam da je jedan od projekata proglašen najbolje provedenim u RH, a drugi je bio također među nekoliko najbolje odrađenih projekata. Zasluga je to Apsolon tima, njihovog susretljivog i uvijek idejno bogatog osoblja koje u svakom izazovu nađe put do pozitivnog rješenja. Inovativni i fleksibilni, strpljivi i ljubazni, stručni i proaktivni, hvala im na tome!

Renata, RETA d.o.o.

Suradnja s Apsolonom bila je izrazito uspješna, ponovno bismo ih anagažirali zbog kompetencija, iskustva, brzine usluge i načina pružanja usluge. Dodatna vrijednost bile nam su informacije o natječajima, edukacije o precedurama, propisima, dokumentaciji vezano uz korištenje bespovratnih sredstava koje smo dobili od Apsolona

Nevenka, Atlantic Cedevita d.o.o.

Ukupan dojam je izvrstan. Rad s vašim timom je bio izrazito profesionalan, organiziran, bio nam je na raspolaganju u svakom trenu i imao odgovor na sve naše upite. Preporučili bismo vas za savjetnike.

Valerija, Telegra Solutions d.o.o.

Smatramo da je suradnja kroz cijeli projekt bila vrlo kvalitetna, prvenstveno jasnoća i jednostavnost komunikacije te stručnost vođenja procesa izrade dokumenta.
– Master plan gospodarskog razvoja Krapinsko-zagorske županije za 2021.-2027.

Zagorska razvojna agencija

Apsolon se dokazao kao pouzdan partner koji će razjasniti stručna pitanja, pripremiti analize i moguća rješenja, odraditi s voljom i na vrijeme što smo dogovorili, a pri tome je suradnja vrlo ugodna i kooperativna. Podijelili su s nama znanje i iskustvo na EU projektima i javnoj nabavi te osigurali uvijek smiren i racionalan pristup svakom izazovu.

Nevenka, A1 Hrvatska d.o.o.

Savjetnici iz Apsolona su obradili ukupnu analizu gradske problematike, ali i dali vrlo moderna rješenja za određene izazove te se uspješno uključili u našu sadašnju situaciju i smjerove našeg razvoja. Temeljem više sastanaka i online konzultacija na kojima sam sudjelovao, moj je dojam da se vaši kolege u potpunosti poistovjetili sa životom i radom u Rijeci, ali i sa nekim potpuno novim temama – pandemijom, projektom Europske prijestolnice kulture nakon 2020. godine te digitalizacijom ili razvojem zelene infrastrukture. To je više nego profesionalno odrađen posao!

Grad Rijeka

With Apsolon we have found a stable and reliable partner with local expertise and knowledge to help us achieve efficient outcomes.

GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)

Suradnja s Apsolonom je vrlo ugodna, partnerska suradnja, u kojoj stručni konzultantski tim uvijek ima spremno rješenje koje će zadovoljiti i želje klijenta i okvire projekta. Klijentu se maksimalno posvećuju i uvijek su na raspolaganju. Otvoreni smo za buduće suradnje s Apsolonom jer se radi o vrlo stručnom timu širokih kompetencija.

Senka, Rasco d.o.o.

Preporučujemo Apsolon zbog ugodne suradnje i komunikacije od strane Apsolonovih djelatnika koji su uvijek dostupni za sva pitanja. Vrlo su odgovorni i u kratkom vremenu rješavaju sve upite, pripremaju potrebnu dokumentaciju i uvijek su na raspolaganju. Preporučamo Apsolon za svaki budući projekt.

Ivana, BioGnost d.o.o.

Ponovno bismo angažirali Apsolon iz razloga što je suradnja bila tečna, informacije su kolale vrlo tečno i točno, uz uvijek ugodnu komunikaciju kako s Marinelom isto tako i s Mislavom. Sve što smo vidjeli kod apsolona je apsolutno bila visoka razina na koju do sada nismo naišli, tako da nemam posebnih preporuka za poboljšanje procesa, ostanite stručni i ažurni kakvi jeste. Dojam je izvrstan, čak toliko da mi je malo žao što smo završili. Sve preporuke svima za Apsolon, a nadamo se i daljnjoj suradnji.

Tihana, Kroma d.o.o.

Ovom prilikom želimo se zahvaliti na profesionalnoj suradnji i izvrsnim ostvarenim rezultatima cijelom Apsolon timu, s kojima smo uspješno surađivali tijekom provedbe projekta. Bilo je zadovoljstvo surađivati s vama!

Ministarstvo turizma

Odlična i konstruktivna suradnja s voditeljima projekta od strane Apsolona koji su u svakom trenutku bili na raspolaganju. Dodana vrijednost je prijenos znanja, informacija, stručnih mišljenja i kreativnosti također od strane voditelja projekta Apsolona. Pohvala na strpljenju i razumijevanju. Svakako preporuka Apsolona za savjetnika.

Grad Pula-Pola

Ukupni dojam je jako pozitivan. Apsolonov tim, skupa s voditeljicom, je odradio sve ono što je bilo očekivano u okvirima vođenja projekta. Tako da mi, kao korisnik, nismo trebali gubiti nepotrebno vrijeme na formalne stvari već se koncentrirati na naše stručno područje u realiziaciji tehničkog dijela projekta. Ponovno bismo angažirali Apsolon zbog profesionalnosti, ekpertize i brzine reakcije.

Slavko, Telegra d.o.o.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Smart City strategy?

The Smart City strategy is a plan that guides cities in using new technologies and connected infrastructure to improve the economy, politics, and cultural and social life. Generally speaking, a Smart City is a city that applies advanced technologies to create a more efficient, sustainable, and pleasant environment for its residents and businesses.

What are the prerequisites for a city to become “smart”?

In order for the city to become smart, it is essential to digitize services and processes, integrate digital solutions that enable greater resource and time efficiency, and apply technologies and strategies that improve the quality of life.

Are there EU tenders for grants that would encourage the development of smart cities?

Several sources of funding exist for the development of smart cities, including the National Recovery and Resilience Program, the Operational Program ‘Competitiveness and Cohesion 2021-2027’, and the Integrated Territorial Programs (ITP), which are available to local self-government units to support projects focused on digital and green transformation.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation in the public sector represents the integration of technology, people, and processes to improve efficiency and user experience and modernize access to services and information to improve citizens’ quality of life.

Why is digital transformation necessary?

Digital transformation is essential because it enables organizations to adapt to the rapidly changing technological environment, improving their efficiency, innovation, and ability to provide better services to citizens.

How does digitalization facilitate business with public bodies?

Digitization primarily enables faster access to services by allowing citizens and entrepreneurs to quickly and easily access the necessary information and services via the Internet. It also significantly reduces paperwork thanks to electronic forms and signatures, reducing administrative burden. Increased transparency of digital systems contributes to better insight into the status of requests and procedures, which increases trust in public administration. Digitization also saves time and resources by reducing the time needed to perform administrative procedures and the costs of traveling and waiting in lines. The services can be accessed anytime because they are available 24/7, regardless of the office’s working hours. This allows users to do business with the public administration when it suits them best. Better and faster communication between public administration and citizens or companies is achieved through digital channels. Automation of processes makes them quicker and less prone to errors, which contributes to more efficient operations. Furthermore, digital systems make tracking the progress of applications, licenses, and permits easier, making the process more transparent and accessible..

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