The Government of the Republic of Croatia is implementing a comprehensive regulatory reform with the objectives of 1. Improving the business climate in Croatia through reduction of administrative burden in the business sector and removing barriers to market competition freedom; 2. Ensuring the effective and transparent implementation of the Measures for reducing the administrative burden.
Apsolon’s regulatory reform experts have provided advisory support to the Ministry of the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts by identifying regulations and administrative responsibilities within the jurisdiction of a state authority and calculating the size of the administrative burden applying the Standard Cost Model methodology, using standard methodological parameters of time, frequency, population size, and financial cost under each regulation and regulatory area. In the course of 4 years, through 3 projects, in cooperation with state administration bodies and the business community, measures have been taken to remove/reduce the identified administrative burden and have been consolidated in the Government Action Plan for Administrative Burdening. Apsolon designed and implemented SCM software – a comprehensive IT solution to support the process of identifying, measuring and reducing administrative burdens, and as a central point of dialogue between the legislator, the business sector and the public concerned, which also functions as a traffic light for administrative burdens and unburdens.
The Government of the Republic of Croatia has adopted the Action Plan 2018 and the Action Plan 2019, with a total of 456 measures for the administrative relief of the economy, which will achieve savings for the economy worth HRK 1.2 billion.