How to motivate and reward sales managers

kompenzacijski model za vodeću francusku kozmetičku kompaniju



One of the leading French cosmetics companies wants to develop a new fairer compensation model for managers in the markets of Slovakia and Romania, which will reward the best and “punish” the worst and, at the same time, maximize the effects. The current compensation model is limited and subject to manipulation by individuals.



Apsolon has structured the project in two phases. In the first phase, an analysis of the existing compensation mode and organizational culture was conducted, limitations were identified, the competitors were analyzed and several options were conceptualized. In the second phase, the best compensation model for both markets was chosen, which was in line with the given criteria and was further perfected through the testing phase. The new compensation model guarantees competitive earnings for new agents and offers attractive earnings to the best ones.



Novousvojeni model predstavlja motivirajući model kompenzacije prodajnog osoblja jer izravno dovodi u vezu radni učinak i nagradu te je usklađen sa strateškim ciljevima tvrtke. Navedeni model, baziran na stimulativnom sustavu naknada, nagrađuje zalaganje djelatnika te potiče manje aktivne djelatnike na dodatni angažman što doprinosi većoj pravednosti sustava kompenzacije i zadovoljstvu zaposlenika.