A middle-sized professional company has noticed that its environment changes and has seen new business models and technological tools that appear in the market with potentially disruptive business activity. The company wanted to adapt its operations, organization and culture in order to be ready for the changes to come.
With the help of Apsolon, the company carried out a detailed analysis of the situation, needs and digital readiness for business transformation. As the most demanding task, a change in corporate culture and the creation of a so-called change-mindset in employees have been identified. In order to change the culture and motivate employees to creativity, innovation, and experimentation with new business models, a detailed transformation plan has been developed. The plan included: the establishment of a new digital division for the development of digital solutions and the implementation of digital transformation, transition to another IT system (from Office365 to GoogleApps), introduction of simple communication and project management tools (as a replacement for obsolete CRM and ERP systems) training and workshops on new technologies, introducing error rewards for experimenting with new solutions, introducing a simple innovation system, socializing and teambuilding, working from home and adaptation of many other established rules and habits in business.
After the digital transformation process was completed, the company’s profitability increased by 10%. Bureaucracy and decision-making time have been significantly reduced, the productivity of employees has increased, and thus their salaries and satisfaction. Inefficient internal e-mail communication decreased by 30%. Over 18 months, the company has launched up to five digital products on the market and has positioned itself as a regional leader in positive changes within its business.